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Vbulletin: All You Need To Know
V bulletin has gained popularity recently because of the number of features that it offers. It is not free software and has no trial versions as well. There are two kinds of licenses for this software, the leased and the owned. But for Vbulletin hosting, a very fast and secure host is needed. The features of vbulletin are so attractive that many people have now shifted to vbulletin web hosting.
The General Features
You do not need a particular machine to run this software. Any machine that has a support for PHP and MySQL like the Linux, Windows, BSD, etc. can be used. This software uses a PHP script, and therefore, it is fast and efficient software. It has many applications that are in built. These are mostly the applications that any forum must have and therefore, the popularity has also increased. Hosting with vbulletin can get you the access to applications like forums and discussions. Vbulletin image hosting is also a very attractive feature that supports the photo albums. It is even possible to form groups through the web hosting for vbulletin. You even have the calendar application in this software. There are many other features a swell like the events management; you can have polls and make blogs and even have CMS publishing of the articles.
The Integrated Experience
Using vbulletin hosting service one can enjoy seamless services. You have the facility of a single member sign on and also a single permission system. There is also the feature of a single admin control along with the simple cross publishing. Using the vbulletin forum hosting, one can even create matching themes forums and also articles.
The Multi Functional Control Panels
In this software, you have the admin control panel, the control panel of the user, of the moderator and also the permission system that is unified. The best vbulletin hosting also enables one to have the advanced level customization using the power engine templates.
The search engine
The URLs of this software are SEO friendly. It even has the feature of the Customer description tags and the Meta keywords. Other important search engine features are the automatic sitemap module and also the elimination of the content links that are duplicate.
The User And The Member Management
Hosting for vbulletin gives you the feature of the member groups and also has the multiples user systems that can have the seamless roles and permissions.
The Forum Features For The Members
The members have a profile page and the information that is added to this page can even be viewed by the other members of this group. The title of the user can be customized, and the profiles can be shown on the homepage and the other features include those like the instant messaging, and the profile can also be updated with the location, the biography, the occupation and many other different fields that can be individually defined by the admin. The best hosting for vbulletin also allows the members to upload their pictures and the pictures are shown in the profile of the individual and can also be then seen by other members. The member list and the member search are also possible. One can even send private messages to the members and can also see who among the friends are online. The forum home also shows the birthdays of the members and the members can also use the signature editor. The reputation of the user can also be managed, and you can even pick up your own styles of pop ups.
The Private Messages
It gives you the notification feature whenever a new private message has been sent and private message can also be tracked. It also gives the facility of putting the custom messages in the custom folders.
The Privacy Options
You have the facility to have the permission system and that can be based on the user group and the forums. You can even have a private forum.
The Blog Features
With vbulletin blog the community members have their own space in that community. It is very easy to get started, and once you post the first message using the editor, you are on. You do not have to take the pain of the lengthy process and the users can even have a personalized blog. This can be done at any time, and you can do this by simply giving a title at the top that will then be seen at every post. The blog has numerous features and support for many different applications. It is possible to give comments, attachments, the pings and the trackbacks and the drafts, the pots etc. the home page is an integrated page and can be accessed from any page just by a single click of the mouse. This page has all the information about the latest happenings, the last comments and the posts that have been rated the highest. The home page also has the support to get to the post as per the date of posting.
The Control Panel Of The Blog
This is a very important feature as this enables the users to control each and every aspect of their blog. Through the control panel, it is possible to control the permission features and the views. The users can mange their blogs totally and manage their drafts, the pings, the posts and the subscriptions. The members can also moderate the comments that have been posted on their blogs. The permission system also gives one a total control over the regulation and the creation of the blogs. The users can also enhance the blogs, and they have a total control over the system.
Customization Of The Blogs
There are many different styles and colors and a number of templates and schemes that give a new look. There is also a full support for the anti spam. All this is possible because of the templating system used by Vbulletin and through which you can have the inherent styles and schemes.

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