
Cool Focus StoryBoard

Raiting 0.00


StoryBoard is a vertically-scrolling news display applet displaying an unlimited number of items. Each item links to a separate URL and can contain a single-line heading and a story of unlimited lines. The story can include HTML tags for bold, italic and underlined text, line breaks and paragraph breaks. Fonts, styles and colors can be defined for headings and stories, and each item can override these settings to use individual colors. An optional selector highlights the item when focused.

Title: Cool Focus StoryBoard
Author: coolfocus
Price / Cost: GBP 15.00
Platform / OS: Flash 6 plugin
Version: 1.00
Last Updated: 2003-06-14
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 257
Listings ID #: 9895