
Cool Focus DropBar

Raiting 5.00


DropBar is a 2-level fading and sliding horizontal menu. Hovering over a first-level button can reveal a second level of buttons below. Items can use gradient fills, and any item can act as a link. The second-level strip expands into and out of view vertically, and buttons fade between colors. DropBar provides full control over text and fill colors for buttons, and allows different fonts and alignment to be used for each level. You can also adjust the animation speed and button height.

Title: Cool Focus DropBar
Author: coolfocus
Price / Cost: GBP 15.00
Platform / OS: Flash 6 plugin
Version: 1.00
Last Updated: 2003-06-14
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1961
Listings ID #: 9882