
FormMail Servlet

Raiting 3.00


FormMail Servlet can process any HTML form and send them as email. For this the servlet has to be set as the action parameter in your form. This allows you to set addresses of your SMTP port, SMTP relay, domain and describe contents of the letter in a text template file. FormMail Servlet acquired data and processes based on its configuration file. You can also use values of form fields to describe the contents. Supports various parameters like: Html, Mailhost, Port, Domain, From, To, Cc, Subject, Body, Attach, and Reply etc.

Title: FormMail Servlet
Author: admin0073
Price / Cost: Free for non-commercial usage
Version: 1.8
Last Updated: 2003-03-08
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 3.00
Total Hits #: 1402
Listings ID #: 9838