
FileManager Servlet

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FileManager Servlet is a Java servlet that can be used to manage files on the web. You can remotely operate your site and manage functions like download/upload, edit/move/copy files and much more. It is free fro fire wall restrictions as it uses the HTTP protocol to access your host. You can describe the parameters in a configuration file with each line describing one parameter. It allows you to specify some configuration settings as an initial parameter for your servlet. It requires that you set path to the configuration file as an initial parameter for FileManager servlet.

Title: FileManager Servlet
Author: admin0073
Price / Cost: Free for non-commercial usage
Version: 3.5
Last Updated: 2003-03-08
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 15
Current Rating: 4.67
Total Hits #: 1203
Listings ID #: 9835