
XML and Java(TM): Developing Web Applications (2nd Edition)

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Written by three XML researchers from IBM, XML and Java provides a great introduction to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) for the working Java developer. This book proves that you don't have to master all the details of XML to utilize its power for real-world projects on the Web. After introducing XML and explaining its ability to standardize information exchange in corporate computing, the book turns to today's XML Java parsers, like XML for Java and the Simple API for Java (SAX), which greatly simplify XML development. Using these two APIs, the book shows how to parse an XML document.

Title: XML and Java(TM): Developing Web Applications (2nd Edition)
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US $49.99
Last Updated: 2002-06-04
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 4.67
Total Hits #: 1765
Listings ID #: 978