

Raiting 5.00


This is a java bean to generate PDF files and read only platform independent documents having text, tables, images, list etc. It not just generates PDF files but also RTF, XML, HTML etc. You can control the look of the servlet’s output with the help of iText and PDF. To run iText JDK 1.2 or its later version is required. This java bean is more useful in combination with Java(TM) technology-based Servlets.

Title: iText
Author: admin0072
Price / Cost: Free (MPL)
Platform / OS: Unix, Windows, Mac
Version: 0.92
Last Updated: 2003-02-20
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1488
Listings ID #: 9694