
e-Classifieds Premium Edition sponsored

Raiting 0.00


This premium classified ads system provides an automated real-time credit card processing features. This ensures that your clients do not have to leave your site to make a credit card payment. Some of its salient features are multimedia upload options, a unique context-sensitive help system, ability to create and customize multiple databases through an online interface, template system, auto-notify search agents, affiliates manager, my checklist feature for marking and saving ads for future retrieval, a two-way fully secure private messaging system, built-in backup manager, multiple fee-based options, and many more.

Title: e-Classifieds Premium Edition sponsored
Author: admin0047
Price / Cost: $999
Platform / OS: Unix, Win NT/2000
Version: 3.5
Last Updated: 2003-03-05
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1049
Listings ID #: 9560