

Raiting 5.00


ICEMail is an email system written in Java 1.1 and the Java Foundation Classes for both the internet and intranet applications. This is based on the Java Mail, Activation, and Help libraries. It provides simplified remote access to email of IMAP, POP etc. This is also very useful for intranets with centralized installation, where multiple users can read mail from an IMAP server. This email client in Java can also handle advanced latest email standards, including SMIME.

Title: ICEMail
Author: admin0066
Price / Cost: Free (GPL)
Platform / OS: Unix, Windows, JavaMail, JAF
Version: 3.0.1
Last Updated: 2003-03-08
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1299
Listings ID #: 9433