
Typewriter Dcroller - Multiple Message Typewriter Scroller

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Displays character by character from left to right and scrolls up any number of Messages as large as desired regardless of the ticker size set-up. The ticker has actually 2 portions of the same width with the typewriting part at the bottom and the scrolling one - which is optional - above. It typewrites each row of a message within the bottom portion. If scrolling portion chosen then scrolls up the typewritten slice of the message along with any preceding ones - if any. Some message rows might disappear when the area top edge is overcome. Pauses for every message and while mouse is over any text portion. Adjustable: Pauses, Speed and for each portion Background and Size. Each message may have its local settings by using HTML tags within, inclusive HYPRERLINKS. Cross-Browser: ie4+ opera7+ ns4+ ns6+ Mozilla (Firefox ...) Safari. Download Product Home Page with a Demo. Payment options: Credit Card - PayPal - Fax Ordering - Postal Mail - Phone.

Title: Typewriter Dcroller - Multiple Message Typewriter Scroller
Author: pustiu
Price / Cost: commercial
Platform / OS: WIN all + LINUX + MAC OS X/UNIX
Version: 5.0
Last Updated: 2008-01-27
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 994
Listings ID #: 9334