
Epiware web based project management

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Epiware is a secure web-based project management application with tools for document storage, multi-level administration, and project collaboration. Epiware is ideal for organizations that need a secure way to share information and manage projects. Epiware runs on your Linux server in coordination with Apache, PHP, and MySql to minimize total cost ownership. It is specifically developed for fast track and user-administered collaborative workgroups and offers powerful and proven customer-driven capabilities Epiware can quickly establish a private, secure intranet, that allows users to share documents and information, set deadlines, and manage projects from any computer with an internet connection, anytime, anywhere. Access to your project site is by invitation only. You decide who can use your site, and you decide the appropriate level of security for each project.

Title: Epiware web based project management
Author: admin
Price / Cost: Free 5 users ($900 15 users)
Platform / OS: Linux, Solaris
Version: 2.1
File Size: 4.5MB
Last Updated: 2002-06-04
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 343
Listings ID #: 839