

Raiting 2.00


Business employees can create, publish, and manage surveys through a standard web browser. Reports are immediately available after respondents have started answering the survey, and can be displayed directly in a web browser. can be used in any situation where you want to get feedback from a group of individuals in a fast and inexpensive manner. It installs in minutes in a web site. It includes two lines of code that allow you to wrap your site around it. Provides your business a simple solution that the staff can easily use without special skills or training. Costs a lot less than the labor (read time and wages) it takes one of your programmers to develop.

Title: inexSurveyor
Author: admin
Price / Cost: 49.95
Platform / OS: Win NT, Win 2000, IIS5.0
Version: 1.9
File Size: 276kb
Last Updated: 2002-06-04
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 2.33
Total Hits #: 173
Listings ID #: 814