
Goetz's Signature Applet

Raiting 0.00


Goetz's Signature Applet displays a signature area for the user to sign the form instead of just typing in the name. Once the signature is made, a CGI script interprets the coordinates and recreates the signature as an image file either as JPG or PNG. The server script sends the signature via email. This requires uuencode or a similar encoding program installed on your server. This feature can also be utilized to have an art gallery of the pictures submitted by your visitors.

Title: Goetz's Signature Applet
Author: admin0055
Price / Cost: Freeware
Platform / OS: Unix, Win NT
Version: 1.0
File Size: 7KB
Last Updated: 2003-01-18
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 10
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1356
Listings ID #: 8070