
Addon for phpPowerCards 2.1

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phpPowerCards 2.0 is a powerfull Php based postcard script. It's easy to install and there isn't much scripting experience needed to configure the script. You can either choose to use flatfiles or mySQL. The script is very flexible and can be adjusted to your needs. You can modify the background color, the font, the css-file and the language. The default language of the script is English. The language can be adjusted in external language files. This package includes the language files for English, German, and Luxemburgish. The script comes along with an Admin Interface to administrate comfortably the cards. The script is supporting a wide variety of platforms and webservers. Your server must be able to send mails, and must have PHP-Scripting support.

Title: Addon for phpPowerCards 2.1
Author: admin0064
Price / Cost: Free (GPL)
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 2003-01-04
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 8
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1281
Listings ID #: 7016