
Vorras Antibot

Raiting 0.00


Vorras Antibot is an image generation program that prevents automatic form submission by robots. If your web site is being overwhelmed with spam, automatic registrations, automatic forum or classified ad submissions etc., Vorras Antibot can solve this problem by introducing a picture in your HTML forms that only a human can recognize. Vorras Antibot generates a random sequence of alphanumeric characters and a picture in PNG format that shows this sequence. It returns the filename of the picture and the sequence in encrypted (hashed) format. The filename and encrypted sequence can then be stored in your HTML form. The user who attempts to fill out the form has to look at the picture and type in the sequence he sees.

Title: Vorras Antibot
Author: admin0064
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Unix, Windows
Version: 1.0
File Size: 44 KB
Last Updated: 2003-01-04
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1290
Listings ID #: 7015