
WebConference LiveHelp!

Raiting 0.00


It is a linux based, Web-enabled suite of customer care tools designed for use with Web sites and private intranets. it includes features such as one-on-one customer service chat environment, searchable chat transcript knowledge base, real-time Web site visitor tracking and pro-active invitation tool, a Web-enabled shared email system for answering customer service email, and a feedback collection and reporting tool. its new features include server side blowfish encryption, customizable web visitor categories, and customer typing notifications.

Title: WebConference LiveHelp!
Author: admin0065
Price / Cost: $495+
Platform / OS: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris Intel, Solaris Sparc
Version: 2.5-Beta 1
Last Updated: 2003-01-04
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1306
Listings ID #: 6830