
PHP Labs

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This website was designed to suit webmasters' needs at a cost that will not break the budget. We specialize in "off the shelf" PHP scripts and custom PHP programming, support, and installation. Please enjoy the site and look at the many reasons to become a member today! New! Instant Memberships They say that membership has its advantages and they were dead on the money here at PHP Labs. Nobody else can even hope to compare to the sheer number of resources we give you over and above our already unbeatable scripts. Most script places sell you scripts. We do that, PLUS we give you the tools and resources to make sure you have a fair chance of succeeding in your online business. New! Totally Promotional We just added a brand new website product and service promotion and marketing area. Inside this members only area is a virtual wealth of articles, software, ebooks, and resources to make sure you have a head start on any competition. Need to get more traffic to your website daily to boost sales? This area can show you many ways to do it. And for a fraction of the cost of advertising! What else is there? Ever wish you could find enough content that was free to use to fill up a few dozen websites? Or maybe wished you knew how to do this or that? Or maybe you just need some new sponsors? Well, we have all that and more inside our members area, literally thousands and thousands of places to scour through and find exactly what you need. And we add to these areas all the time, making sure you never run out of fresh content. ... more Still want more? We also give you a very complete learning area, with all the articles, tutorials, tools, and resources to allow you to learn the PHP language, or even just learn more about installing, configuring, and customizing what you have. We go the extra mile to make sure that you have the ability to learn and advance yourself, thus advancing your business and profit margins. Who else does all this for you?

Title: PHP Labs
Author: coyone
Price / Cost: starting at 29.95
Last Updated: 2002-12-16
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 111
Listings ID #: 5685