
WSN Classifieds

Raiting 0.00


WSN Classifieds provides the tools to run a search engine optimized classified ads site. Use it for real estate, autos, jobs, or any other sort of listing you can imagine. For listings with an address, take advantage of google maps integration and zip code range searches. The administration panel offers full control with hundreds of options, but with the ability to turn off what you don't need. Add unlimited fields, get updates in one click, integrate member systems. Enjoy the buyer/seller/trader feedback system, sponsorship system with paypal/2co/nochex, and much more.

Title: WSN Classifieds
Author: Hoth
Price / Cost: $199
Platform / OS: all
Version: 4.1.3
Last Updated: 2008-01-26
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 32
Listings ID #: 46374