
BM Classifieds

Raiting 0.00


From the very first glance you can tell this is different than other classified scripts. We take the simplicity of craigslist, then add a clean, user-friendly front end. All categories are displayed clearly on the home page so users (and search engines) can navigate quickly. BM Classifieds was developed based on our years of experience operating online classifieds businesses. We have experienced what works and what doesn't. If you want to make money, forget all the preconceived ideas you have about classified ads. We give you everything you need without getting bogged down on the things you don't. BM Classifieds is preconfigured to operate a general classifieds site in your local region, however, it can be configured for just about any type of classifieds. Cash in from multiple profit centers. BM Classifieds is ready, to drive loads of traffic to your site. Our script is optimized to work with popular ad rotators and services, like Ad Peeps, OpenAds and the AdBrite ad marketplace. You can even run multiple programs together, including affiliate links to maximize profits from every page view. You can set the ad price for each category, plus a featured price and top of results price. Our script is ready to run and make money, but we supply complete source code should you want to modify the script to meet your special needs. Payment processing via PayPal. INSTALLATION IS FREE! UPDATES ARE FREE FOR LIFE!

Title: BM Classifieds
Author: gsbatch
Price / Cost: $149 / $25mo hosted
Platform / OS: *nix, mysql
Version: 1.1
File Size: 1.1 MB
Last Updated: 2007-05-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 19
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 856
Listings ID #: 44541