
PC Tools AntiVirus

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PC Tools AntiVirus is a full anti-virus package designed to protect your computer from virus, worm and Trojan horse threats and infections by: scanning your computer system for these types of infections and quarantining or deleting them, and providing your computer system with real-time background protection, preventing threats from infecting your computer and propagating while you work. PC Tools AntiVirus' main features include the following: 1. Real-time protection against computer viruses and related malware threats; 2. A user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI); 3. A Live Update feature to keep virus definitions and other feature enhancements up to date; 4. Ability to quarantine and restore items that have been detected; 5. Logging of File Scans conducted by PC Tools AntiVirus

Title: PC Tools AntiVirus
Author: Richard1
Price / Cost: US$29.95
Platform / OS: Windows XP Home or XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional
Version: 3.0
File Size: 14501KB
Last Updated: 2007-05-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 23
Listings ID #: 44437