
Ads Network Script

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Ads Network Script developed in PHP and MySQL is a comprehensive solution to start your own ads network. It supports text ads as well as photo ads. It support multi-languages, multiple categories. Publisher can add multiple website and multiple ads. Publisher can opt to show text ads or photo ads or both. Publisher can set prices for the ads or can set to get paid on per click basis. Further publisher can customize how the ads should look like and their formatting, color, layout. An advertiser can create multiple ads on several websites, view stats and also track conversion. It is equiped with a powerful admin panel where you can easily modify languages, categories, manage users, send out newsletters and manage other sections of the website. Script is integrated with PayPal, 2checkout, protx and can further integrate with anyother payment gateway/processors. Please visit website for more details

Title: Ads Network Script
Author: statbat
Price / Cost: $450
Platform / OS: All platforms
Version: 2.10.1
File Size: 1MB
Last Updated: 2007-05-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 22
Listings ID #: 44409