
Captcha Creator php script

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Captcha Creator is an easy to use PHP Script that generates unique, highly customizable Captcha Images, very useful for web forms to stop automated submissions. The script needs only PHP and GD library, no SQL, no PERL, no other things required. A large collection of fonts, backgrounds, and text variations in size and placement are available to ensure that spam bots can NOT break it, while humans will always read it easily. Is very easy to install on any website with php support, and can be used to stop automated submissions on web forms such as: Guestbooks, Blogs, Wiki, Comment, Feedback forms and other types of web forms. The script generates a new, unique Captcha image everytime your page where you placed it is loaded, stopping automated submissions and spam bots from filling your form with junk data.

Title: Captcha Creator php script
Author: danielus
Price / Cost:
Last Updated: 2007-05-27
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 32
Listings ID #: 44305