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Trade DVDs with friends, family or stangers from around the world. The DVD Trader website allows you to run a full blown DVD exchange allowing users to lend and borrow DVD media. With the DVD Trader you can create the largest free movie library in the world. FEATURES A reservation is a way for a user to indicate they want to borrow a DVD (i.e. have the DVD checked out to them). The borrower reserves the DVD, the owner of that DVD then can check out the DVD to the borrower. A quick check out allows an owner to check out a DVD to a borrower without a pre-existing reservation. Once the DVD is checked out to a borrower, an owner can send reminders to that borrower if the DVD is overdue. Once the borrower returns the DVD to the owner, the owner will then 'check in' the DVD via the website. Once the DVD is checked back in, it's available for check out again. The Borrow Status column and listings indicates what the status of the DVD is. It can be one of three statuses: Borrowed – the DVD has been checked out to a borrower. Reserved – the DVD has been reserved by at least one borrower, but is NOT checked out to anyone. N/A – no current reservations exist for this DVD, which also indicates it's not checked out to anyone. DVD Status vs. Borrow Status The 'Status' of a DVD is different to the 'Borrow Status'. The status indicates the status of a DVD without regard to whether it's borrowed or not. The status will also indicate in some instances whether the DVD can be borrowed or not. For instance if a DVD has a status of 'Wishlist' or 'Ordered', it indicates the DVD cannot be reserved, because the owner does not actually physically own it yet. The DVD may be 'Inactive' which indicates the owner does not wish to have it available for reservations. An owner can also set a DVD to 'hidden' which means only the owner and Administrators can see the DVD.

Author: popscript
Price / Cost: 39.97
Platform / OS: Win NT, *nix, BSD, etc
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1.4 MB
Last Updated: 2006-11-01
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 39
Listings ID #: 43035