
Real-time Shipping Script for Yahoo Stores

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The Yahoo Shipping Script allows your website to calculate realtime shipping rates for FedEx, UPS, and USPS. Yahoo has built-in support for UPS rates. But what if you want to offer your customers FedEx and USPS? The Yahoo Shipping Script is the answer. The script runs on your Yahoo Merchant Store. No customer information is sent to anyone else. When your customer selects a shipping option, their zip code, shipping method, and weight of the package are sent to the proper shipper and the actual shipping rate is returned in realtime. You can append a handling charge or a percentage increase to the rate if you like. Your purchase includes all the php code necessary to calculate the real-time rates. It also includes detailed instructions on how to set up an account with each Shipper in order to access their rates in real time. If you need assistance configuring each shipper, help is available for $50 per shipper.

Title: Real-time Shipping Script for Yahoo Stores
Author: noahm
Price / Cost: US$99
Platform / OS: Yahoo Stores
Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 2006-06-28
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 29
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 62
Listings ID #: 42308