
WS-MP3 for Web site - PHP version

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In its original version, its code is as follows: The presence of ? was the release of my development. I concentrated myself on this quesion: "I want it but not ten times in the same page, but once only. So how can I modify my list dynamically". To answer it, I used the File System Object so that I only have to put all my MP3s in the same directory and ... its done! But it was not enough: "How can I give informations on the MP3 which is in playing?" Answer: always with the File System Object: by default, all the MP3s have a description. Let us come to the specifications: ASP 3.0 Requirements : Windows with IIS Installation - Extract the files in a directory of your Web site - Open the asp file (MP3_player_A.asp OR MP3_player_B.asp) with a text editor. Files can be renamed. - Edit the MP3 player settings : default song, default directory etc. - Put MP3 files (no limit :-) in your directory - Publish & enjoy! MAKING SOMETHING SPECIAL : GIVE A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR MP3 FILES! (Only MP3_Player_B.asp version) - Create a simple htm file. Attention : no '.html', no '.asp', only '.htm' - Edit this file : add text & images if needed - save as NameOfAMp3.htm - Thats's all! EXAMPLE : My MP3 file is 'Sibo.mp3' My .htm file must be 'Sibo.htm'

Title: WS-MP3 for Web site - PHP version
Author: sdiop
Price / Cost: free
Version: 1.0
File Size: 3ko
Last Updated: 2005-12-06
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English / French
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1258
Listings ID #: 41193