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ProjectCoordinatorŽ is currently being used by project managers in many countries to support their project work and collaboration. With no need to install any client software, it allows a very efficient and quick setup of every new project. Often the management of the work material in a project becomes a never ending exchange of email between the project members. Email becomes the only tool used for communication, document storage and version handling, which is both time consuming and quality degrading. With ProjectCoordinatorŽ, the project team will always, via Internet, reach and share correct and updated work material, with version handling and access management. Interaction with people on the "outside" of the project can many times be a problem. email? Newsletters? What about a project web page? With ProjectCoordinatorŽ, the project manager can very easy, on his own, make sure that his project always has a professional looking web page. Here can visitors easily read more information about the project and also follow its progress. And as the project manager you can make sure that the information is updated and that the results are easily disseminated. The project manager must always be updated on what is going on - and what is going wrong! To manage the progress a project plan is needed, which also has to be divided between the project members and the stakeholders. With ProjectCoordinatorŽ, the project manager will efficiently be able to plan, manage and co-ordinate the project work as well as plan and follow up the budgets and finances. At the same time can the projects stakeholders easily monitor the progress of the project. It is also easy to manage temporary participation of third-parties, and share meeting calendars, project news, developments, results etc.

Title: ProjectCoordinatorŽ
Author: qplanan
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Linux, Sun, freebsd
Version: 7.0
File Size: 15.0 MB
Last Updated: 2005-12-02
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 61
Listings ID #: 41137