
PHPLocation IP to country location

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With PHPLocation you know exactly the country of your visitors on your website, you can do automation and statistics, with an easy to use interface. It can be integrated into any existing PHP script. It helps you to increase your revenue. Think globally, act locally, PHPGeoIP is the most complete and powerful PHP solution available on web for IP to country location. It gives information about the country of your visitor to your PHP scripts : country name, continent, capital, international dialing prefix, currency, ISO4217 currency code, Internet TLD, ISO3166 Alpha 2 code, ISO3166 Alpha 3 code, ISO3166 Number code, FIPS104 code. Do redirections. Send content to your script, Include PHP. Do logs for activity and location statistics. Server versions can be used with unlimited number of domains and subdomains. The Pro versions use an accurate IP to country database for fast answers securely auto-updated every month without interruption of your script, standards versions use whois servers.

Title: PHPLocation IP to country location
Author: phpcontrol
Price / Cost: Free to try
File Size: 500kb
Last Updated: 2008-01-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 27
Listings ID #: 40981