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Improve the efficiency of your web site and online marketing pageLogger provides you, on a real-time basis, with information about the visitor behavior on your web site(s) You recieve detailed information and identification numbers which are relevant for your web master, as well as for online marketing and Web-Controlling. Measurement of the visit behavior on a real-time basis For tracking the visitor amount and behavior, it is all about reliability and accuracy of the measurement. pageLoggeroperates on a real-time basis: with every page view a signal is transmitted to the server and is processed. Due to the integrated code Wizards and the intuitive installation routine, pageLogger is operational after a short time. No uncertainty by log files The software pageLogger uses a different approach, in contrast to the huge number of classical log file-analyses, because these can fall back merely on information which the web server provides. Which values are saved (if they are saved at all), is dependent from the possibilities and settings of the web server. Vendors of such evaluation programs define individual rules as log files should be evaluated. Because different results are generated by these different measuring procedures, a comparison with the values of other web sites cannot be carried out just like that. Another problem of log file-analyses are the so-called frame sets which can falsify the evaluation results of pageviews significantly. Professional functions for a better survey Tracking Manager: Use pageLogger also for web sites for which you already use shop-or Content-Management-Systems (CMS). Media Manager: All advertising forms (banner, buttons, text links) with direct linking to your web site can be analyzed with the Media manager on a real-time basis Download-Manager: Create downloads, determine call times and define third-party websites which may link to your offer. You receive, in addition, information about the popularity of every download and have therefore entire control of acceptance and performance. Blacklist-Manager: With the Blacklist manager you can exclude arbitrarily many domains, IP addresses and host names from the tracking. The tracking of certain visitors impairs the results for your web site analysis; if e.g., own employees{ use constantly the same web site links, the suitable click number increases, however, without other explanatory power. Reporting as e-mail You are permanently on the move? Let pageLogger send you an abstract about the visitor activities in freely determinable time intervals. Export, import, archiving Thanks to the archive function, all data are ready on call and can be processed, e.g., for a presentation. Therefore older information will not get lost and can give, e.g., also information about the change of the visit behavior in the time course. pageLogger answers to you questions such as: Is the web site generally found by search engines? Were the correct search strings selected? Do the customers really accept digitally processed product descriptions? How do click rates or conversion rates change during online advertising campaigns? What search terms did lead your visitors to your website? How long do the visitors stay on your website and which pages are visited? From which page did the visitor leave your site? Which files where downloaded? What are the most visited articles in your Shop? At which place in your shop did it come to the most frequent abnormal order terminations? How profitable are the investments in online advertisement? Which online advertising form delivers the biggest benefit? From which country comes the visitor and which language does his OS use? Did the visitor get directly to your website or from which other website did he come? A lot of visitor data for your real-time analysis Easy online access provides you with information with maximum accuracy. pageLogger grasps relevant visit data such as: Entry pages, exit pages, Unique- and returning visitors, Page-Impressions, click path, data transfer, OS, screen resolution, color depth, JavaScript, Java and plugins, IP, hostname, country, language, referer by website, referer by domain, referer by country, robots, spider, search engine, search terms, search phrases, loyality, pages viewed and much more.

Title: pageLogger
Author: zuckerbrot
Price / Cost: 128.45 Euros ex. VAT, free 14 days trial version, free limited version
Platform / OS: all
Version: 1.1
File Size: 8.9 MB
Last Updated: 2008-01-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 8
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1615
Listings ID #: 40963