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webINVOICEplus-V2.10 This is an online invoicing program for small businesses. It gives the Administrator and Clients the ability to access billing information on a webserver. One nice feature is the email notification process. You can set the program so that clients are automatically sent a thank-you email when an invoice is paid. And you can also send them notification emails when their invoice is posted online. Clients can view/print invoices when they need, and they can view their invoice history completly online. The administrator records the invoices into the database through a web based admin screens, and can edit invoices and client details. Like it's basic script webINVOICE this has the added features of PayPal payments & administrator reports.

Title: webINVOICEplus
Author: glbaird
Price / Cost: 39.95
Platform / OS: Linux, Windows/Php LAMP systems
Version: 2.10
File Size: 88kb
Last Updated: 2005-10-28
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1131
Listings ID #: 40961