
Headless Horse MP3

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The Headless HorseMP3 is a PHP script designed to be an interface for playing MP3s (or any other type of file with slight modification) on the web server. One could use it to scare his/her college roommate by making their computer start playing MP3s from a public lab, or even start a web-cam like server where the public internet controls what music (out of your collection, entirely legal of course) he/she listens to.

Title: Headless Horse MP3
Author: admin00118
Price / Cost: Free (GPL)
Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 2002-10-26
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 5
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 166
Listings ID #: 4079