

Raiting 0.00


Weblog catches following data: - date/time - IP - Host - Useragent - Referer - browserlanguage - screensize (if clients javascript is enabled) - colordepth (if clients javascript is enabled) Showlog creates following statistics: - Browser: Browserfamily, Browser details - OS: OSfamily, OS details - Referer: Refering Host, Referer details - Forwarder - Websearch: Searchengines, query details - hits by day for each month - hits by month for each year - Provider - Countrycodes - IP to Country - Clientlanguages: Languages, language details - Screendata: Screen height and width, colordepth Showlog additional overviews: - detailed overview of logfile with filter-functionality - Functions for unknown data - by clicking on Unknown in both statistics - Unknown browser - search with google by clicking agent - Unknown OS - search with google by clicking agent - Unknown searchengine - search with google by clicking agent - Unknown IP and LongIP (for IP2Country) Showlog additional functions: - refering hosts clickable for open in new window - referer details clickable for open in new window - Searchengine host clickable for visit with new window - Searchengine query clickable for visit with new window - logfile details: - referer clickable for visit with new window - links in agent (e.g. bots) clickable for visit with new window Showlog additional functions in admin-mode: - Overview of Usernames stored in referer - check logfile - download logfile - delete last entry - delete logfile Additional functions: - Benchmarking - PHP-script to create new IP2Country database

Title: SHOWlog
Author: sirsocke
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: all
Version: 4.6.2
File Size: 650 kb
Last Updated: 2005-09-08
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English, German
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 72
Listings ID #: 40592