
Local Movie Listings

Raiting 0.00


Add real time Movie Listings from the biggest movie site on the web. This script allows you to add the latest movie listings from any movie theater seamlessly in to your web site. Keep your visitors coming back to see what’s playing in a theater near them. This script also allows you to ad thousands of dynamically updated pages to your web site so Google can give you a bigger page rank. Users can easily change fonts, colors and table sizes via a css file to make it look exactly as its needs to look for any web site. This is a must for any community or portal web site. No Database Needed!

Title: Local Movie Listings
Author: bwolcott
Price / Cost: $14.95
Platform / OS: all
Version: 2.8
File Size: 200k
Last Updated: 2005-08-25
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 104
Listings ID #: 40553