
Milonic DHTML Menu

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The Milonic DHTML Menu is a very powerful navigational tool for use on websites, intranets and CDs. Once you've downloaded one of the many sample menus available, changing the style of the menu is acheived by editing the property values in the javascript data file. Every component of the menu is editable including; text, background, separators, borders, images, padding etc The menu is continually developed to guarentee compatibilty with all the latest browsers and platforms. Suited more to those with a little programming knowledge than the novice, and far more adaptable than the average menu builder, the Milonic menu was once decribed as "industrial strength." The revolutionary data file puts an end to continuous menu arrays making the menu designing process a much clearer and easier task. Now in its fifth phase of development, the Milonic DHTML Menu features superb performance and customization properties which have dramatically increased the menus functionality. Every part of the Milonic Menu is fully adjustable and now boasts proprietary scroll bars, delayed menu opening to mimic the way the Microsoft Windows menus work, and over 100 editable parameters with the ability to include CSS classes for full customization. The new menu now uses a fully object oriented based data file for ease of editing and for building menus dynamically from a database and XML files etc. This menu is the most feature rich and possibly the fastest rendering menu available.

Title: Milonic DHTML Menu
Author: milonic
Price / Cost: Free for non-profits/US$48 commercial
Platform / OS: All
Version: 5.772
File Size: 62kb
Last Updated: 2005-05-13
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 980
Listings ID #: 39712