
Free Site

Raiting 0.00


The Free Site 1.3 project was created to run a free site ( RAFS ). The principal works by requiring members to complete an offer and then have a certain amount of their friends complete an offer as well. Once the person has received all the referrals needed, they will be entitled to whatever give they selected. You then ship the selected gift to them. At the same time, you, the site owner are paid for each and every offer members complete. Members are able to monitor the progress of referrals, as well as their offer status. Members may change their prize selection, update passwords, addresses, etc. Free Site will allow you to add, modify, or delete prize offerings, add, modify, or delete offers to provide to members. In the administration panel, you have complete control over your members. You may change the status of members, place "cheaters" on hold, and manually apply offer credits. The Administration has multiple views from detailed member lists to summary pages.

Title: Free Site
Author: mims1080
Price / Cost: US$85
Platform / OS: Windows, *nix, BSD
Version: 1.3
File Size: 60k
Last Updated: 2005-03-05
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 98
Listings ID #: 39141