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Email Client, RSS-Reader, and File-Explorer All-In-One. Cross-Desktop is a browser or web based desktop allowing to handle remote computers from the distance in the same way than to handle a local computer with just a standard browser. Remote computers can be any of servers, pc or mainframes. With Cross-Desktop you can manage Bookmarks, read RSS-Feeds, treat Zip-Archives as regular directories, edit Text-Files and many more. It integrages a functionally complete Email Client and a URL-Download feature for file transfer based on a url. It's simply your personal information manager! (PIM) And it's virus safe!

Title: Cross-Desktop
Author: gorch
Price / Cost: $59,90
Platform / OS: Linux, Windows, Unix
Version: 1.1
File Size: 700KB
Last Updated: 2005-01-28
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1122
Listings ID #: 39054