
Search Engine PHP

Raiting 0.00


PHP and MySQL Database Driven Can handle thousands of listings per keyword. That's more than enough ( has an average of 40 listings per keyword). Web sites bid money to get listed, and they only pay every time someone clicks through to their site from your search. Only daily unique clicks are counted (to prevent fake clicking). Clicks are counted, the site is charged according to how much they bid, and the visitor is redirected to that site instantly. Sites are only listed under keywords they have bid on, and if they have enough money in their accounts. Displays the current most searched for keywords Displays banner ads for member bidding. Member Admin Main page with account balance update. Manage Listings, where members can add/edit/delete search listings and change their bids. Info and password changing page. Advanced stats which are updated instantly. Link to instructions on how to make payments and add funds to their accounts. Special mass-submission form for people to submit multiple submissions at once. Lost password lookup tool. Bid on keywords for banner space. Webmaster Admin Login panel showing: Number of all members Number of blocked members Number of all clicks Number of banners clicks Today banners clicks Today clicks Average clicks per day Number of banners shown Total money collected3 Today money collected Average money per day System Settings to set: Accept bids automatically: Allow special search to members Allow PayPal IPN Allow Revenue Pilot feeds Allow SearchFeed feeds Allow Raging feeds Allow MSN feeds Allow feeds Your Pay Pal Account e-mail Sign up bonus Minimal bid Minimal bid on "no matches" Minimal balance Cost of affiliates searches Cost of affiliates clicks Currency symbol Number of Popular Searches to Display Number of Searches to Displayed per page ...

Title: Search Engine PHP
Author: PeterF
Price / Cost: $10
Version: 4.0
Last Updated: 2005-01-31
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 189
Listings ID #: 39030