
EPS Shop

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EPS Shop is a very powerful system for you to sell your digital files and at the same time serve as your website management system. You can use it to upload additional pages like php script. All the pages created through the system are in static html format, and you have the full control over its title, meta keywords, meta description and content area, so that you could do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) easily. The full list of features: - Website Management Engine - Template Driven - Paypal Integrated - Catalog Control - Protection over your digital files - instant activation of download links - customer details are captured - brief summary of your website is displayed - customizable sales email - backup facility - module-based system, installation panel to add new modules

Title: EPS Shop
Author: wuwen82
Price / Cost: US$ 39.95
Platform / OS: Linux, Unix, Any platform that supports PHP & MySQL
Version: 1.0
File Size: around 1 MB
Last Updated: 2004-12-19
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 8
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 155
Listings ID #: 38923