
Site Search Engine

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This Server Behavior lets you write a Site Search Engine page and display the result. This server behaviors insert in Your page a search form with a text field and a radio group. The Site Search Engine server behaviors generate a result page with a predefined look which you can alter to suit your taste by editing the pages you find in the folder 'dwzone_search_engine'. The result page is independent from the search page so if you modify the parameter with DW (re-apply the extension) You don't modify the graphic of the result page so you don't lost your work if you re-apply this extension. The script will search all the page in Your site for matching keyword(s) or phrase and display the results with a link to open the page. You can set the extensions of the files where you want my script search. The predefined are: .asp, .htm, .html, .shtml, but You can modify this list. You can set a list of folders and/or files where you need the script don't search. The result page displays the title and the description of the page and the link to open this page. This behavior create the 'dwzone_search_engine' folder in your root site to store files so to run this behavior, please, upload 'dwzone_search_engine' folder in your remote site.

Title: Site Search Engine
Author: gianluigirevello
Price / Cost: US $45.00
Last Updated: 2004-12-11
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1282
Listings ID #: 38911