
ASP News Manager - Digital Interchange

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Our News Manager lets anyone publish content on the web effectively and easily with only a couple clicks. The administration area is a secured area with an intuitive interface that will let you manage all of your content. You can upload new attachments, create category groups, disable postings and much more. The News Manager also allows you to publish up to 10 news postings in RSS format so you can share and spread your news content with others. All the functionality you need to get your messages out to your audience. On the Job Easily create documentation for your team, consolidate notes and have an online archive. So your business can communicate easily from anywhere. Share documents with other coworkers. Our News Manger can be a highly effective tool for your business to keep organized and on track People on the Go For people on the go you can keep track of all your information using our News Manager. You can keep an online journal of your thoughts and ideas. Share documents with your friends and family will your away. Using RSS format you can import your postings into applications and other websites. The News Manager has all the tools you need to stay organized and to let your friends and family know what you’re up to. News Manager Features Share news postings with others using RSS Complete Administration Area with and intuitive interface. Add multiple attachments for a news posting, Edit, and Delete attachments for your news postings WYSIWYG allows anyone to post HTML news postings. Save time, extra work, and money updating your website Customize color schemes using CSS Easy installation with our Web Installation Utility Dynamic Date and Time Formats. A front end that visitors can easily use and navigate No messing with FTP to upload your files.

Title: ASP News Manager - Digital Interchange
Author: digitalinterchange
Price / Cost: US $49.00
Platform / OS: Windows
Version: 1.0.0
Last Updated: 2004-11-30
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 108
Listings ID #: 38726