
Web Calendar Pro

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Web Calendar Pro is a personal and group calendaring system with scheduling and event planning capabilities. Being easy to use even for a novice, Web Calendar Pro offers powerful features: ability to create and fully customize unlimited number of new calendars/sub-calendars. Handle your public schedule for publishing events on your site, managing each calendar’s users, subscribers, and their privileges with ease. Its user friendly interface allows to publish evens on online schedule, set recurring evens, use multiple languages, personalize email notifications, set online event alerts, apply importance labels, highlights and many more features. If you have ever used Outlook™, you will be surprised how enjoying is online event planning and calendaring with even more features, all integrated in Web Calendar Pro. In addition, you can easily export events created in Web Calendar Pro to the most popular formats (vCal, eCal) compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Eudora and other organizers.

Title: Web Calendar Pro
Author: Mitridat
Price / Cost: Commercial
Platform / OS: all Windows, Unix, Linux
Version: 4.0
Last Updated: 2004-09-16
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 963
Listings ID #: 37133