
Simple Digits

Raiting 0.00


Simple Digits is an useful date and time script that can be used to display digital clock on your website. This program is simple and easy to handle by even novice webmasters. You can easily configure and install this script on your website, edit and modify the setings for the clock display. This program does not require any third party software or other modules to run and with just a web server you can display the digital clock on your website.

Title: Simple Digits
Author: admin0026
Price / Cost: Free (GPL)
Version: 1.0
File Size: 16.7 KB
Last Updated: 2004-10-04
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 81
Listings ID #: 36443