
XML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)

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Even hot dog Web coders proficient in XML need a little refresher once and a while. Although some portions of XML are still very fluid, the handy XML Pocket Reference offers quick access to the syntax and usage rules of this next-generation language. At the front of the book, a crash course in XML quickly spells out the important terminology, along with extremely short examples of XML, Document Type Definition (DTD), and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) documents. The book also includes a nice bulleted list of cautions and rules to follow if you want to create valid XML documents. A tip section entitled, "Unlearning Bad Habits" offers handy warnings that are especially useful for those of us who occasionally slip into sloppy HTML coding behaviors that XML won't tolerate.

Title: XML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 12.95
Last Updated: 2002-05-23
URL: Click to Visit
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Total Hits #: 1850
Listings ID #: 360