
Horizontal Scroller - Multiple Message Belt Conveyer

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Javascript Horizontal Scroller runs any number of Messages/Images to the left even wider than the conveyer's width and with as many rows as desired. Pauses for every Message/Image and with mouse over. Size, speed, pause and background are adjustable. Options: 1)start at left/right edge 2)while pausing messages reside within area: a)singles, pausing at left edge or centered then while scrolling left next one scrolls in - when larger a blank space is inserted after b)more_up_to_area_size, all messages go round with a blank space automatically inserted in between with every message pausing at left edge 3)speed-change Live/stop-resume. Multi-OS and Cross-Browser compatible: ie4+ opera7+ ns6+ firefox1+ Safari ns4+. Payment options: Credit Card - PayPal - Fax Ordering - Postal Mail - Phone.

Title: Horizontal Scroller - Multiple Message Belt Conveyer
Author: pustiu
Price / Cost: US $28.00
Platform / OS: WIN all + LINUX + MAC OS X/UNIX
Version: 7.0
File Size: 20KB
Last Updated: 2008-01-27
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1000
Listings ID #: 3473