
HOW TO: Create a Generic ASP.NET Web Form to Test XSLT Transformations

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HOW TO: Create a Generic ASP.NET Web Form to Test XSLT Transformations is a tutorial in which author explains about the step by step procedure to build a web form which helps to validate XSLT documents that migrate the content of XML documemts without any alteration. From this tutorial users can learn about generating a web form, generating XML documents, generating XSLT document and about testing XSLT transformation in the ASP.NET web forms.

Title: HOW TO: Create a Generic ASP.NET Web Form to Test XSLT Transformations
Author: admin006
Price / Cost: Free
Last Updated: 2004-10-11
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 13
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 72
Listings ID #: 33330