
Introduction to Web Forms Pages

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Introduction to Web Forms Pages is a web based tutorial which will be helpful for the ASP.NET beginners to learn about the basic of web forms pages and its aspects. Here author describes about the components that are involved in constructing the web pages, the structural details of web forms and about the advatages that the users can gain using this web form in various aspects. This tutorial also says that the web forms page can display data using any browser or client application with server-side code and could output data on a varity of laguages like HTML, XML, WML, java script etc.

Title: Introduction to Web Forms Pages
Author: admin006
Price / Cost: Free
Last Updated: 2004-10-11
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 51
Listings ID #: 32991