
Dual List Box with Re-Ordering

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Dual List Box with Re-Ordering is a .NET based database tool which is helpful for the users who want to reorder their reported list in an Available Name Box. Users should just select the name which they want to be reordered and by using given buttons like up, down and by using arrow keys they can easily reorder those names in no time. It has several important features like, MS Access database is used to store data, it can work with Visual Studio.NET and Dreameweaver MX.

Title: Dual List Box with Re-Ordering
Author: admin0031
Price / Cost: US $ 25.00
Last Updated: 2004-06-28
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 63
Listings ID #: 28916