
netPROFIT Lite

Raiting 0.00


netPROFIT Lite is a simple and effective shopping cart addon for delivery of digital products. Shopping cart owners would be able to accept, process and deliver digital file purchases for their customers with utmost security. Being integrated with paypal's IPN this program is well known for its security and the products are delivered to the shoppers only after receiving notification from paypal's IPN. Some of the important features include COM-less uploads, recurring billing for all product sales, subscription management, support for subscription based products etc.,

Title: netPROFIT Lite
Author: admin0026
Price / Cost: US $ 39.95
Version: 2002.002
Last Updated: 2004-09-28
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1036
Listings ID #: 26619