
Sensomap Menus Express

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Sensomap Menus Express is a powerful navigation menu system that allows webmasters to create menu applets in image files. You are provided with several different configuration options to change the appearance and behaviors of the menus maps. Users can include preloaded highlight images and multi line text in the maps and are facilitated with advanced features like detailed geographical and complex technical diagrams and maps, Multi-level pop-up submenu system, support for JPG and GIF image files etc.

Title: Sensomap Menus Express
Author: admin0026
Price / Cost: Commercial
Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 2004-05-10
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 829
Listings ID #: 24251