
Flash News System Using Php, Mysql and Xml, Part 1: Admin and Mysql

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Like PHP and SQL, Flash and XML can be used for presenting Flash news system. This tutorial describes the readers some important techniques such as Php and HTML administration system to add, edit and delete entries, design of the database and MYsql, and using the Php to retrieve the data from MYsql and output it in XML format which is ready to be loaded in Flash, and manipulating the XML within Flash to create individual entries from the newest to oldest, and browsing through the entries using the previous and next links. It teaches the users to create a news archive in flash.

Title: Flash News System Using Php, Mysql and Xml, Part 1: Admin and Mysql
Author: admin0011
Price / Cost: Free
Last Updated: 2004-05-08
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 434
Current Rating: 3.75
Total Hits #: 3206
Listings ID #: 23872