
PHP Classifieds

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The PHP Classifieds is a classified program for use with unlimited categories and ads. It can be uses for advances multiple-category use, or for top level categories for use as Property listing, or Car-listing. It has a powerful install program, and once set up, you can administer everything from the admin area. Php Classifieds include features like Admin ControlPanel (with delete ads, manage categories, backup etc), User ControlPanel (manage all ads and user info), Searchengine, Admin email on new ads, Unlimited categories, Unlimited sub-categories, Unlimited ads, Unlimited users, Picture upload into mysql, Small and large picture in detail mode, WAP-pages Config option from admin area, Detailed view, Summary view, Auto email sent to user when registering Auto delete of old ads and old users (if set), # of ads in each category Choose-able to have lates 10 ads on frontpage, Password protected user area, where user see all their ads Password protected admin area with functionality to add, delete and modify categories and links, Your own header in header.php, Your own footer in footer.php, Browse Picture gallery Simple monthly statistics in admin panel, Chooseable image for each category (with default folder-image) Two optional modes for category-structure (for non-sub cat sites), Email ad-link to friend, Delete users from admin, Set all configuration option from admin, Set header/footer from admin, WAP functionality Latest # ads page, and Most viewd ads page and more

Title: PHP Classifieds
Author: admin00115
Price / Cost: Free for non-commercial
Platform / OS: Unix, Linux, Windows
Version: 6.06
Last Updated: 2002-08-29
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 171
Current Rating: 3.92
Total Hits #: 2331
Listings ID #: 2228